Saturday, April 4, 2009

I don't need Meth! I NEED TO GET DRUNK!





I bought a shit ton of sudafed (The real stuff, not the pussy ass kind.) all sorts of teas and vitamins and energy boosters and what-have-you and damnit I am curing this by TONIGHT and I am getting drunk at a buddy's 21st. TONIGHT GODDAMNIT!

The amusing thing about sudafed however is that you have to show ID and sign your name and all this shit so they can put you on a list. And this list, is to keep you in mind for potential meth dealers.

Naw, I'd suck at that. "Hey I'm drug dealer Barbie! Want some meth??!" I just need to get hammered before I stab somebody.

And NO I don't have a drinking problem you tight-asses. I'm in college. I make bad decisions. I recognize, accept, and embrace this. So go watch some Gilmore Girls and macrame some shit.

Moving on...

There's a new chick at work, I like her! I'll call her New Chick. Anyway. She's cool, she told me about how she went out with her friends last night, ended up having to put one of her black-out-drunk girlfriends in a cab, and the girl PUNCHED HER IN THE FACE! She had a big ol' bruise and everything, it was crazy. Mainly because New Chick seems SoOoOoOo sweet. She's not the kind I can imagine taking a punch. I was impressed. I definitely wanna go fuck some shit up with her sometime.

Funny order of the day!! This one's good! Cinnamon raisin bagel, scallion cream cheese, tomato, onion, swiss cheese and HONEY! WHAT?! I literally said, "But...why?" Apparently the chick used to work in a bagel place and she got to experimenting and discovered THAT abortion of a sandwich and enjoyed it. I feel like she should be sterilized.

Bagel Girl Out. Time to stab this cold thing right in the throat.

I miss you Drunk Bagel Girl.....(ps the cliche chick-tiara was for my cliche chick 21st. Shuddup, Go fuck yourself.)

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